"We are closer to G-d when we are asking the questions, than when we think we have the answers" Heschel

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mazel Tov to the Bodner and Pearlman families on the birth of a baby boy

FNQ - announcement

We would like to wish a big mazel tov to Rachel, Eli and Shaya Bodner (sister in law, brother in law and nephew of mine) on the birth of a new son.  Aviva and I are sad that we won't be there for the festivities, though we certainly expect to participate virtually in some fashion or another (I hear America is very high tech so I am sure you can figure something out dad).  The baby looks very cute and it appears that the red genes will live on.  Kein Yirbu.

You should be zocheh legadel oto l'torah l'chupa u'lemaasim tovim.

Manager's Note:  Due to the large number of smachot in my family (Baruch Hashem) I will have to request a small donation if you would like me to announce your simcha.  Cash or credit accepted :)

Binyamin - always looking for a good question 

Good Shabbos

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